Vacation Bible School
Welcome to "Seekers in Sneakers: Discover Jesus," an interactive Vacation Bible School where children use their investigative skills to discover Jesus!
This journey of discovery has many twists and turns, so children will learn to ask questions, work together, shine their light in the world, gain insight from the Bible, and trust Jesus.
Through worship, drama, Bible stories, music, art, science, and games, children are invited to follow the example and teachings of Jesus in every place and every part of life.
So grab your water bottle, your Bible, and your friends, because this is going to be a great adventure!
June 24-28, 2024
9 AM to Noon
National United Methodist Church,
Metropolitan Memorial Campus, 3401 Nebraska Avenue NW
For children 4 years old and up
4 years old to rising 5th graders register as campers
Rising 6th through 12th graders register as junior counselors.
$25 per camper/ $15 per junior counselor
$50 max per family. Camperships available.
Use the QR code to register today!