Worship Online and In Person
9 am Metropolitan Memorial Campus (LiveStream) | 3401 Nebraska Ave NW
11 am Metropolitan Memorial Campus (In-person ONLY) | 3401 Nebraska Ave NW
11 am Wesley Campus (LiveStream) | 5312 Connecticut Ave NW
Sunday Worship at Metropolitan Memorial Campus
9 am (EST)
Sunday Worship at Wesley Campus 11 am (EST)
How to use the video player:
1) Tap the name of the video you want under “Related Videos.”
2) Press the Play arrow on the large player.
You are invited to engage in these weekly remote and online ministry activities.
New Adult Fellowship and Learning Opportunity
AfterWord: A Time of Welcome and Reflection
Sundays, 10:00 am, Online and In-person
This adult learning experience, offered in a hybrid format, is a place of welcome for both online and in-person worshippers and an opportunity to reflect on the Scripture and sermon of the day. Bring your questions, your doubts, and your discerning spirit.
All are welcome to join the conversation!
In-person in the Christie Room. Online via Zoom, Meeting ID: 834 8394 7618
Prayer and Praise: Midweek Online Service
Need to hear a short, personal meditation shared by a fellow NUMC member or friend of our community? Need a mid-week pick-me-up or some fellowship time? Have a joy and/or concern to share with our community?
Join us each Wednesday at 6:00 pm ET for an informal worship service featuring a fellow sojourner sharing meaningful and meaning-filled meditations based on real life as well as specially-selected scriptures and a wide array of music. This service touches so many lives around the world each week, and we welcome YOU into this special space to feel God among us, to experience the joy of gathering together virtually, and to be embraced by the love of Jesus and of one another!